Ryan Pelling

Sport Psych Topic in Focus - Gratitude

I've spent time recently reviewing the research area of Gratitude and Positive Psychology Interventions (PPI). Positive psychology has focused on understanding psychological functioning at its optimal (i.e., flourishing,). Positive psychology can be used proactively (i.e., to prevent a 'problem' occurring) as well as for performance enhancement (i.e., developing the current standard). PPI's specifically aim to cultivate grateful thoughts, feeling, and actions have demonstrated positive effects on mental and physical health among youth, college-age and adult populations, inside and outside of sport (Aoyagi et al. 2012). Gratitude is presented as a 'life orientation towards noticing and appreciating the positive(s) in life' (Wood et al., 2010) rather than just feeling appreciation towards others. 

Gratitude interventions come in many forms, and I've presented the three most popular here: 

  • Gratitude List - 3-5 points written each day (when possible) on what you are grateful for. These can be large and significant life events, as well smaller, day-to-day positives. You could capture these by writing them down, or record them on your phone
  • Gratitude Journaling - this enables more detail to explore your gratitude, rather than just a list. What are you learning from your challenges today? Who are you grateful for around you? What was the best part of your day? 
  • Letter of Gratefulness - Take the time to construct a letter for what you are currently grateful for. This might be made out to a family member, close friend or your future self. This gives you (and others) evidence of your appreciation, your belief and demonstrates your resilience in the future moments when you might feel challenged and need to remember your qualities. 

Find the original research here: 

Aoyagi, M. W., Portenga, S. T., Poczwardowski, A. Cohen, A. B., & Statler, T. A. (2012). Reflections and directions: The profession of sport psychology past, present and future. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 43, 32-38. 

Link to Article

Gabana, N. T. (2019). Gratitude in sport: Positive psychology for athletes and implications for mental health, well-being, and performance. Theoretical approaches to multi-cultural positive psychological interventions, 345-370.

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Wood, A. M., Froh, J. J., & Geraghty, A. W. A. (2010). Gratitude and well-being: A review and theoretical integration. Clinical Psychology Review. 30, 890-905. 

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