New Study Released:' Samatha Meditation, Two and Routine Training: Case Study of a World-Class Rifle Athlete' - Daliang Zhao (2023) 

In short: Using sport psychology implemented through Buddhist principles and psychological demands of competition to support an Elite Rifle Athlete. 

More detail: The intervention is focused upon Samatha Meditation, Tao and Routine Training (SMTRT). This research created a psychological intervention built upon the Buddhist principles of Nine Mental Abidings (setting the mind; continuous setting; resetting; close setting' discipling; pacifying; through pacifying'; making one-pointed; and setting in equipoise). This process requires the mind to be intermittently set on an object of focus, and progresses to full concentration (without distraction). Remembering Mindfulness (RM) is part of this process, whereby the athlete always remembers to keep their attention on a specific object; RM is remembering to sustain mindfulness. The research suggests, through consistent practice of the setting/resetting cycle, the mind gradually develops an ability to maintain attention on an object for long periods of time whilst increasing the ability to quickly detect and block out self-talk (or 'mental chatter'). 

The techniques used within SMTRT include breath observation (counting breaths), goal-orientated  focus, values-driven thoughts and behaviours within an performance routine. This enabled the athlete to implement the various aspects of SMTRT into their preparation for competition. The process can help athletes to overcome internal and external distractions, remain focused during competitions and experiences moments of calm and success. 

Find it here: 

Daliang Zhao (2023). Samatha Meditation, Tao, and Routine Training: Case Study of a World-Class Rifle Athlete. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. DOI: 10.1080/21520704.2023.2234865.

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