Ryan Pelling

New Study Released: 'The influence of mental toughness on responses to feedback in snooker: A real-time examination' by Welsh, Dewhurst and Perry (2023). 

In short: Negative feedback enhances real-time performance accuracy in snooker but, feedback is only effective when delivered by a respected figure (i.e., coach). 

More detail: Male snooker players (from club to pro levels) took part in two experiments. Experiment 1 saw them play a series of snooker shots and received either positive or negative feedback about their performance relative to another player. Then the snooker shots were repeated. Post-feedback performance significantly declined. In the second experiment, the feedback was delivered by a coach. This feedback had a significant effect on performance: positive coach feedback impaired performance, whilst negative coach feedback improved performance. 

These results suggest negative feedback, delivered constructively by a respected figure, may act as a catalyst for performance enhancement in snooker, which is moderated by an individual’s mental toughness.

Find it here: Welsh, J. C., Dewhurst, S. A., & Perry, J. L. (2023). The influence of mental toughness on responses to feedback in snooker: A real-time examination. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 102466.

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