Ryan Pelling

Sport Psych Topic in Focus: 

When athletes are injured and working their way through injury rehabilitation programmes it can be a particularly stressful, frustrating and emotional time. An athletes experience of injury can vary significantly based upon a number of known and unknown factors. These factors can include: injury length, severity, social support, athlete identity, financial implications, feeling of worth/value, sport opportunities, sport calendar and upcoming competitions. Therefore, it is important as coaches and support staff that we understand how we can be of most value and support for the athlete(s) involved. 

Here are a few reflection questions for you to ask yourself regarding your interactions with an injured athlete: 

  • How would you behave around an injured athlete?
  • How can you help the athlete feel valued right now?
  • What benefit might this have? 
  • What do you need to be sensitive to/aware of?
  • How will you try to learn and understand their thoughts and how they are feeling? 
  • How will you support an injured athlete? 
  • What can you offer beyond professional advice (e.g., being present to listen and hear their frustrations, be a person to speak to)? 
  • What does the athlete’s support network look like? [in and beyond sport] 

 Find out more here: 

Husain, W., Almashouk, Y., & Jahrami, H. (2024). Integrating Psychological Care in Sports Injury Rehabilitation: A Comprehensive Mini-Review. Tunisian Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2(1), 14-20.

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