Ryan Pelling

Injury is always a traumatic experience for athletes, as they struggle in coming to terms with the news they are unable to compete, or even train, for a short - or sometimes long - period of time. 

Knowing you are unable to 'be an athlete' means we start questioning who we are as a person; a part of us is lost whilst we are injured. We have multiple identities and values as people, and when we are unable to carry out one of these roles, that can have a negative impact on our emotions and feelings. Therefore, from a psychology support perspective, I'd encourage an injured athlete to see another side to their injury experience: the positive of being injured. 

It might sound counterintuitive but being injured can actually provide positives to an individual. The sport schedule is interrupted and you have time, and freedom, to live a 'more normal' life for a while. Less travel, more family time, more time to reflect. You'll find yourself with more time, so why not fill this doing beneficial activities, rather than reminiscing about 'what could have been'. 

So, back to my week of injury support. I've found myself asking people to think about the benefits of their current injury situation, and also reflect on how to keep these benefits in place when sport returns. If you've found yourself maximising valued family time, then how can we keep this in place when you've recovered and returned to your sport? We know sport will try to take over your week, how can you protect it? 

I'd be interested in hearing your response to my question: 
What benefits have you found from being injured, or being unable to participate in sport for a period of time?

Send your reply to sport@ryanpelling.co.uk

I'm looking forward to starting a conversation with you. 

Speak soon, 

P.S. Here are three ways I can help you enhance your performance: 
1) Respond to my message and let's start a conversation
2) Book a 1-2-1 call with me.
3) Join my mailing list to receive weekly updates directly: The Mental Edge - Weekly Support Channel

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